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What Does an SSL Certificate Do?

SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) certification is a tool used to secure a website. When a website establishes a connection, SSL certification ensures that user information is securely encrypted and transmitted. This means that user information cannot be accessed or modified by third parties. For example, when you enter a credit card number on a website, it is encrypted and securely transmitted through SSL certification. This ensures that your credit card number cannot be accessed or modified by third parties.

Another important function of SSL certification is to verify the identity of a website. This means that when you enter a website, you can be sure that it is actually the company or organization it claims to be. This protects you against various fake websites on the internet.

In summary, SSL certification is a tool used to secure a website and verify the identity of a website. This allows you to shop safely on the internet, safely process payment transactions, and protect your personal information.



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